SWITCH Governance
Board of Trustees
The SWITCH Library Consortium is governed by a Board of Trustees comprised of the presidents of the member institutions. The Board of Trustees meets annually (typically in June) to review and approve the audit, financial statements, budget, and strategic plan.
The Chair of the Board of Trustees (a position that rotates every two years among the member institutions) runs the annual meeting; however, the SWITCH Consortium Coordinator schedules the meeting, prepares the agenda, and prepares the presentation packets.
Finance Committee
The SWITCH Finance Committee, comprised of the chief financial officer of each member institution, provides financial oversight and expertise. The Chair of the Finance Committee (a position that rotates every two years among member institutions) reviews and approves the monthly financial reports, the annual audit/year-end financial statements, and the Federal 990.
CliftonLarsonAllen LLP has provided audit and tax preparation services for the consortium since 2018.
Library Directors Committee
The SWITCH Library Directors Committee, comprised of the library directors of the member institutions, meets several times throughout the year. SWITCH staff report directly to the Library Directors Committee and provide regular reports of the consortium's work on behalf of the member libraries.
The Library Directors Committee annually votes to approve the budget and strategic plan. While both the budget and plan are drafted by the SWITCH Consortium Coordinator, the Library Directors Committee plays an active role in the budget and strategic plan process.
The Chair of the Library Directors Committee (a position that rotates every two years among the member institutions) sets the agenda and runs the meetings. Meetings are typically held each month with a hiatus in the summer. The Committee may agree to combine months based on schedule and need.